Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chapter 4 synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 4 Ringing Chimes2

In our society today people are on the go and do not stop to smell the flowers. In chapter 4, Burmark reveals some insight to how we should take into consideration the different elements that an educator must do to implement a lesson. As we take into account what Robert Marzano states, “that some of the instructional strategies he has documented as most effective should be “limited to crucial content” because they are important ones.”1 Therefore, as educators we must prioritize the skills being taught to effectively take full advantage of the retention the students acquire. In order to be effective teachers we must first have the students’ attention, and have a well prepared presentation that will be retained in their long term memory. Velcro is introduced in this chapter as a symbol of how it is very important to have a hook and a loop to seize the moment when teaching a concept. If we take this metaphor and apply it when creating a presentation we will be able to hook our audience and in turn keep them intrigued. Finally, if we utilize a checklist with an acronym CHIMES it will help to focus on certain emotions that keep audiences attentive during presentations.

1 Marzano, Robert, “Representing Knowledge Nonlinguistically,” Educational Leadership, May 2010, p. 86.

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