Sunday, October 9, 2011

Copyright Crash Course 3rd revision ppt 6340.64 Sonia Aldape

Throughout the book “They snooze you lose”, the author makes reference to images, music, and emotions. As I continue to better my presentation I find myself deleting more text and enlarging images to convey my message about copyright to my audience. The overall experience of presenting is to be able to connect with the audience whether it is with images that help captivate the essence of the content as well as music and words of encouragement. Having read these chapters makes me feel that I have been in a journey with the author by transforming the creation of my power point.

Chapter 9 synopsis "They snooze you loose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 9 Tapping emotion

Are we teachers teaching only content or are we also teaching students good citizenship? In this chapter, it mentions that many times our profession blinds us from touching the affective side of our audience or students. We must keep in mind that our love, kindness, and caring will project if we take a little time to listen to our audience and students. It is recommended that by using feeling words it will have a memorable impact on the audiences and students long term memory. Several web 2.0 tools are pointed out as awesome (wordle and slideshare) to implement the exposure of feeling words in the classroom. Therefore, the retention of the content will have long lasting impact because they will be able to relate with the content. “If the information somehow touches you personally, you’ll remember it.”1 Throughout the book it is suggested that by incorporating images, music and feeling words the overall presentation will have a greater impact as well as be a memorable experience for the audience.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chapter 8 synopsis "They snooze you loose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 8 Playing Music

Many people would agree that music will motivate and take you into another world. In this chapter of the book, the author demonstrates several real life instances in which a movie, play, and presentation stimulated the audience’s willingness to engage. “According to Weinberger, “to supply the actual emotional states and feelings [the audience needs] to identify with [the action] and the characters involved.”1 We must take into consideration that if music is selected to convey and support the presentation it will influence the receptiveness of the audience. Therefore, the music selected for the presentation must tap into the audience’s positive emotions rather than the negative emotions. It is also recommended that students must have consistency if music is played in the classroom for instance: same music to be played during learning and recall tests, the tempo of the music, and mood of the topic correspond to the music. In conclusion, if the music is selected thoughtfully, responsibly, and purposely the audience will walk away feeling enlighten and energized with information.


Chapter 7 synopsis "They snooze you loose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 7 Starting with images

Have you ever seen a picture or image posted and had to make an assumption about the message it is trying to portray. In chapter 7 the author describes how pictures and images help students retain information being taught in the classroom. As a teacher we are always looking for ways to improve student learning, so several activities are suggested using pictures to teach “point of view” and “inference”. “Research has found that visuals can improve learning, but only if they illustrate the point you are making,…if they tell a major part of the story as they communicate information through the visual channel in synch with your verbal explanation, but not when pictures are added for decorative effect.”1 When creating a classroom presentation it is recommended that you focus on the visuals that will be placed on the slides, the amount of text on each slide, and the size and placement of the image or picture. "Research has demonstrated that humans process visuals sixty thousand times faster than text."2 As a final point, it is without a doubt that if images and a small amount of text is used in the presentation there will be better retention in long term memory.

1 Atkinson, Cliff, Beyond Bullet Points (Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2005), pp. 51, 53.
2 3M Corporation research cited in “Polishing Your Presentation,” 3M Meeting Network Articles & Advice, 2001[Online article was posted at :].

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Copyright Crash Course 2nd revised ppt. 6340.64 Sonia Aldape

I have again edited my copyright crash course power point for the second time, which has made me realize that every time I go back it can be improved. By inserting pictures in my slides on my second power point the words needed to be reduced which made it easier to recall the information. Some of the images that I inserted had humor which indeed catch your eye and make you aware of the information that need to come across. I will continue to improve my power point as instructed in my book.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chapter 6 synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 6 Harnessing Humor

Laughing doesn’t cost a thing so as educators we must use this resource to connect and deliver content to our students. In chapter 6, humor is embraced and it is used as a tool for teaching to instill learning while having fun. The author mentions some activities that can be imbedded for students to acquire learning using laughter, doing the activity, and laughing even more. Humor can be used when teaching sections of a short story, stanzas of a poem or a song, and steps when following a recipe. “We want to reverse the current trend reported by Dr. Humor: “Preschool children laugh or smile on the average of over four hundred times per day, while adults over thirty-five only fifteen times per day.”1 As stated by the author, the next important characteristic of humor is getting the audience surprised (referred to as a detour during the presentation). Finally, humor is defined when focusing in the following: audience gets your jokes, shows emotion, and laughs with no control while retaining information being presented.

1 Robertshaw, Dr. Stuart, Dear Dr. Humor: A Collection of Humor Stories for All Occasions (La Crosse, WI: National Association for the Humor Impaired, 1995, p. 3.

Chapter 5 synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 5 Making connections

Pictures say more than a thousand words. In Chapter 5, Lynell Burmark explains how as educators we must take the abstract and present information to the student in a concrete manner. It is easier for students as well as adults to relate to any kind of information if they are able to relate to real life experiences. The author gives some suggestions to provide students with concrete slides in a presentation that will build on prior knowledge. With technology being so advanced we are able to “Download images from the “Cloud That Look Like Things” page of the Cloud Appreciation Society’s website”1 Another suggestion is incorporating humor in the presentation, have sequence of events, digital flashcards, and an activity call 10:2. Students are successful in obtaining new information if it is presented concretely by using graphic organizer such as a Venn diagram to compare and contrast. Usually, at every conference or meeting the audience is compelled to sit at the very back but it the presenter is able to bribe them with items of interest they might respond in a positive way. Finally, the presenter must also take into consideration the region in which the presentation will take place for adjustment of language and gestures.


Chapter 4 synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 4 Ringing Chimes2

In our society today people are on the go and do not stop to smell the flowers. In chapter 4, Burmark reveals some insight to how we should take into consideration the different elements that an educator must do to implement a lesson. As we take into account what Robert Marzano states, “that some of the instructional strategies he has documented as most effective should be “limited to crucial content” because they are important ones.”1 Therefore, as educators we must prioritize the skills being taught to effectively take full advantage of the retention the students acquire. In order to be effective teachers we must first have the students’ attention, and have a well prepared presentation that will be retained in their long term memory. Velcro is introduced in this chapter as a symbol of how it is very important to have a hook and a loop to seize the moment when teaching a concept. If we take this metaphor and apply it when creating a presentation we will be able to hook our audience and in turn keep them intrigued. Finally, if we utilize a checklist with an acronym CHIMES it will help to focus on certain emotions that keep audiences attentive during presentations.

1 Marzano, Robert, “Representing Knowledge Nonlinguistically,” Educational Leadership, May 2010, p. 86.

Chapter 3 synopsis "They snooze you lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 3 Celebrating Presenters

As presenters we must step back and reflect at the times we have had to do a presentation, and learn from the outcome of the overall experience to improve. In chapter 3, the author makes reference to three broad categories that presenters display in front of an audience as well as some tips and strategies that can be utilized to enhance as a presenter. First of all, we must determine which type of presenter we portray during assembly for example: lecturer, entertainer, motivational, or a combination of all. As a lecturer you must keep in mind that the audience will disconnect if too much information is presented without tapping into their multiple intelligences as suggest by Howard Gardner. The second type of presenter is the entertainer which will give a performance which will take you in a state of relaxation. “Instead of rising about thought [into a state of awareness and heightened Being], you have fallen below it.”1 The last type of presenter is the educator which has the responsibility to teach the students and ensure that they retain and apply what they have learned whether, they are adults or youngsters. Throughout the chapter there are tips and strategies suggested for the educators to apply in the classroom to teach their students become excellent presenters in their journey of learning. The author presents movies and business men in our society that have used strategies and tips to become amazing presenters. Some strategies mentioned are Teach it Forward (TIF), 10 tips from Steve Jobs, ask for feedback from the audience three months before the presentation and multiple intelligences. By applying what the author suggests in this chapter you will be able to transform your presenter skills.
1 Tolle, Eckhart, A New Earth, p. 229.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

When revising my copyright crash course power point I realized that many of the recommendations that Lynell Burmark was implementing were vital to maintain the motivation and attentiveness of the audience. The changes that I had to make to my presentation made my slides look completely different when I finished tweaking them. Even though, I had used color in my presentation I learned that by using cool colors it made my presentation more inviting. I also changed the font and size of the words used in the entire slides taking into consideration that consistency throughout would make it a more complete presentation.

Chapter 2 synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 2 Creating Slides and handouts

Considering what was learned in the previous chapter now you must take into account that according to Jakob Nielson, “you only have about ten seconds to grab visitors’ attention before they click off your site." Therefore, when creating a presentation you have two options in developing your slides to maintain motivation and attentiveness by the audience whether it is for entertainment or edutainment. Nonetheless, whether your audiences are adults or students, as a presenter you have an obligation to instill knowledge in an engaging manner. One recommendation mentioned in this chapter is to avoid using handouts that resemble the actual power point presentation because by doing this the audience will be bored and inattentive. As you create the slides it is suggested that images with words be used to keep the audience engaged. “Mayer’s research confirms what good teachers have always known intuitively: The best way to foster learning involves both words and pictures.” Furthermore, handouts must be used to encourage the audience to compile information that can be helpful in the future. During the presentation “if there are books, articles, websites, quotations you refer to during the presentation, put those on the handout.” Finally, if the audience is stimulated throughout the presentation and the handouts are used as a support for retaining the information that is being presented then the presenter has impacted the audience.

1 Nielson, Jakob, “Top Ten Mistakes in Web Page Design” 1996 [Online article available:]
2 Mayer, Richard E., Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.) (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
3 Burmark, Lynell, (2011)-They snooze, you lose: the educator’s guide to successfulpresentations/Lynell Burmark.

Chapter one synopsis "They Snooze you Lose"

Sonia Aldape

Chapter 1 Tweaking presentations

Wondering if your power point presentation will put your audience to sleep or not? The first chapter to the book "They snooze you lose,” gives you insight on how you are able to tweak your power point presentation to make it more exciting to view as well as listen to. The author, Lynell Burmark, states that when creating a power point presentation you must take careful consideration to the following points: template, color, and type. The template to the power point presentation will give a first impression as your audience glances at your slide to engage them to what is to come. Therefore, a template must support the information on the slide not overwhelm the viewer with excessive elements. When placing these elements on the template keep in mind that we are trained to read from left to right, so our eyes will be drawn to the left side of the slide. This insight of knowledge will help to create slides that will be useful and inviting for viewers to follow along. As you develop your slides you must also take color palette into consideration which will help the viewer comprehend and retain the information. In this book it is recommended to use cool colors for the background and text of the template like blue and green because they are considered calming and pleasant to the eye. On the other hand, it also mentions that warm colors could also be considered to use in the templates like the colors red and yellow if the subject matter is dangerous and caution must be taken by the audience. In order to keep the audience interested in your power point there must be consistency throughout the slides with the color of your choice. Finally, the chapter talks about the type which focuses on the amount of words used on each slide as well as color and layout used to display the font of the text. “As John Medina likes to point out, the average PowerPoint slide contains forty words.” When considering font size and color it is recommended that you take into consideration the audience size and room arrangement. By previewing the presentation you will be able to tweak and achieve good visibility even for the people that sit in the back of the room. In conclusion, this chapter has shown me that by taking inconsideration small details in the power point the audience can go away with a good learning experience.

1 Medina, John, Brain Rules, p.239.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Copyright Crash Course Presentation

Week 2 assignment 6340.64

The Crash Course Copyright article has been an eye opener for me as an educator. Although, I am aware of the copyrights for books and worksheet used in the classroom there is a vast amount of information about infringment as a student.  By doing the power point presentation it helped me become informed on particular aspect that without reading this article I would have not been aware how a person can be sued for willingful use of others works without permission.